Sunday, April 6, 2008

Three Weeks?!?!

My how time flies...

  • Nothing all that spectacular going on... and yet a bit of very strange stuff going on.
  • A man from my hometown was arrested for "aggravated burglary" against a woman in Tennessee. My brother grew up with his kids. It's very weird. Obviously, somethign in him snapped because this isn't something HE would do... but ya know, I guess stuff like that happens. I'm just glad that he's physically okay because the police were considering him "armed and extremely dangerous" and it could have easily ended up with a different outcome.
  • Had a job type of appointment last Friday afternoon. Note to self: NEVER schedule those types of appointments during your month end at work as you will never feel okay with leaving early or coming in late, no matter if YOUR work is done and no matter if you worked all kinds of OT leading up to that day. Also never on a Friday as it's casual day, and who wants to worry about having to change clothes for that kind of a thing?
  • I also decided that I want to lose 20 pounds or so before I really start actively searching again because I need to be able to wear my suits... and right now I can't fit into them. That will give me some more time to have under my belt and see if the stress-level can lessen.
  • Went for a walk yesterday afternoon with the BF. It was lovely. So gorgeous outside. Loved it. Definitely an activity I think we'll both enjoy, especially when the weather is in this sunny but cool breeze time of the year.
  • Have blisters from the shoes I wore on Friday that were then aggravated with the walk on Saturday to the point of popping. The one is larger than a quarter.. and not good. I actually will be wearing sandals to work tomorrow & hoping that when I get there I will be able to put on my dress shoes without major discomfort. If not, sandals it is until these heels heal.
  • Improv was awesome tonight. Just awesome. :-D
  • I love my BF... he is also awesome.

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