Tuesday, March 11, 2008

So Much

There are so many times that I think "Wow, I love this man." But every now and then, there is a moment that occurs when I actually get reminded that there's a reason he loves me too. There was a moment like that tonight. Just a feeling I felt like "Yeah, there's a reason he loves me."

It's so wonderful to just feel this happy, safe and loved.

Still getting over the sickness. Went back to the doctor today and they gave me antibiotics for my ear... though the doctor said it doesn't look much different from the right side and they both look pretty normal... I think that my testiment to how painful it was, was enough for him to just give me something that would hopefully work.

I was hoping that taking the drugs today & tomorrow would make me well enough to go back to work on Thursday (cuz really? I'm SICK of being HOME!) but when I woke up after a nap at 7 tonight, I was starting a fever again. Does the flu REALLY last this long? I mean, WISSH, really? lol ACK! I hate this.

Bought a humidifier for myself today. I might need to switch pharmacies back to WM so that getting prescriptions filled isn't quite as expensive for me. lol

But I also bought a new body pillow cuz as soon as I start feeling better, the current one is going in the dumpster!

I decided I can't really go back to work until I have at least half a day of feeling "normal". How long is this supposed to carry on?!?!


And I forgot to get a doctor's note when I went there today. SCHNIKES! I emailed my regular doctor to see what I have to do, I'm hoping he can leave one for me at the desk or something. We'll see.

I think that catches all of you up...

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